Научиться любить Россию. С предисловием Путина В.В

Научиться любить Россию. С предисловием Путина В.В
ISBN: 978-5-6046145-0-1

Annotation to the book "Learn to Love Russia. With the Putin Putin's preface," A book for those who want to more deeply understand and feel Russia of the 21st century. Hans-Joachim Fry not only offers to look from the inside at the country that is covered with rumors and speculations, but also helps the reader get closer to the mysterious Russian soul. A sedentary meeting with Vladimir Putin in 2009 revealed new horizons to the international cultural manager, which cited him not only To the capital of Russia, Moscow, but also in St. Petersburg and in numerous opera theaters, orchestras and music schools in all corners of the country.

Тип обложки: 7Б
Количество страниц: 304 страниц
Год издания: апрель 2021
Издательство: Эксмо
ISBN: 978-5-6046145-0-1

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